About the Haven
About the Site
1. What motivated you to create the site? Back in highschool, I took a small webmastering class in which I had learned about the 50 megs site which I utilized to create this one. I liked the idea of having my own personal site to post up fics, pictures, and even talk about the daily drabble of my life.
2. What would the rating be for this site? I would have to give my site the rating of a Teen plus or 17 and up basically, this is due to the fact that I'm not always so clean depending on what I am talking about and such, so just be prepared.
3. Whose views do your reviews or comments represent? They represent nothing but my own, as I do explain, I have no part nor am I part of the companies of things that I review and vice versa.
4. Who are you really? To be fair, I would consider myself just another traveller of the world wide web but honestly, I'm just the average member of cyber space. While those closest to me know more about me than those who do not, I am private to an extant so for that, I'm not exactly an open book on here. I don't do the whole "omg, check me out on Facebook" sort of thing but I'm not a total enigma either. I would say that I am Mistica and Mistica am I, simple as that.
5. What's your e-mail, how do I reach you, where else can I find you? Deviantart is probably the main site that I'm easiest to reach because as depicted above, I do like my privacy so my personal email isn't really something I like to hand out. I am a member of other sites, boards, and pages but for the sake of members of those pages, I don't hand that sort of info out.
6. Can I find all your pics/fanfictions posted on your DA page as well? Yes and no, any art I post on here will be posted to my DA account eventually but sometimes due to other stuff or even my own laziness, it may take awhile. As for fics, it depends but I do have a message board which the link for it can be found on the home page to where I can post up fanfics. Please keep in mind that due to DA censorship rules, in order to see all of my art, you do need to have a DA account and for some pics or fics, be at least eighteen to see them.
7. Can I draw fanart pics of you and your pets and such? Okay...here's the thing....I may allow it but only might if asked and even then, I can't guarantee that I will say yes or give you the okay. Please do understand that my characters are my creations and while I am open to artistic interpretation, that's not my main concern. My main concern is that you stay true to the personalities of my characters. So if you do or would like to draw my characters, always ask first please. Keep in mind though that in order to be allowed to do this, you must either have a DA account or an account on a art based site only! I will not allow pics of my characters upon personal sites, image collection sites, or even random message boards at least not without my permission. Also, keep in mind that taking my pics and coloring them over do count as a form of copyright so no recolors of my characters please.
8. Who is Mistica Echidna? In reality, Mistica is how I would be like if I were a character from the world of Sonic the Hedgehog or aka a sonic persona. At the same time, Mistica is also a character within herself so it's a depiction/fan character. Despite that it is a persona, I don't do any form of roleplaying with my character.
9. I don't like what I see, can you please remove it? Unless it becomes a major problem, the only time I remove anything from my site including pics/reviews/or fics is under my sole descrition, this is my site, not yours so just enjoy it. If you honestly have problems then just avoid the stuff on here that bothers you.
10. When was this site first created? This site was officailly up and functioning on August 28, 2009 and so every August twenty eighth, we celebrate how many years that the site has been up.
11. I have a suggestion for your fics, can I tell you about it? Sorry but I would prefer that you wouldn't, it's not that it wouldn't be helpful but I prefer to write stories on my own, please understand.
12. You took down a pic I liked, where did it go?! It may be on my DA page at misticas-haven.deviantart.com, but please keep in mind that I can't guarantee that I post it right up after it's taken down here.
13. How often do you update? When I am able and have the time, everytime there is a new update, I do leave a note about it on my home page but sometimes depending on what's happeneing, I may change what's there. Just to play it on the safe side, just check the other links and if you see any changes then you'll know if I made an update or not.
14. What are the links listed under Favorite places? Are they sites that endorse yours? No, the links listed are simply sites that I like to visit and I only post them up there so that others may see them if they are interested. Like I said in an earlier question, I do not endorse nor am I part of the sites that you see listed there.
15. You took down a fic that I was reading/interested in, where did it go? It could be on one of two places, it could be on my message board or my DA page at misticas-haven.deviantart.com.
16. What are the links provided on the home page? There are five main links which are as follows: the link to my account on FF.net, link to my DA page, link to my let's play channel on Youtube, and link to the message board for the Haven. Please keep in mind that to be able to see and view all that these links have to offer, you may need to be a member of these sites. Please also keep in mind that anyone who displays harsh or vulgar behavior will be subject to being blocked upon those sites. Not all links posted are ones that I constantly keep active on, also anyone who chooses to watch or subscribe to these pages, I will not automatically watch or friend you back unless what you do/create is interesting to me.
The Fine Print
Mistica's Haven and all of it's contents are soley for entertainment purposes only! This site in no way, shape or form endorses any other sites, music, companies, and such if shown at all upon this site. This site is also rated with a teen rating, while we do give warnings on certain content and such upon this site, Mistica's Haven is not responsible for underage viewers coming upon this site...that is the responsibility of the parents only! All artwork and ficitons are property of Mistica's Haven and are not permited on other sites unless these sites are linked to this site such as Misticas-haven upon DA for example. All fanart depicting copyrighted characters are property of said owners or companies and the subjects are not claimed by Mistica's Haven but the drawings or work are drawn by the creator of this site. All original creations, characters, etc are sole property of Mistica's Haven creator and may not be used or featured elsewhere without permission from the original creator, by doing so without permission, this is considered a form of copyright which is considered a punisable offense.