My Pictures

Mistica's Haven About the Haven Members of the Haven My Pictures Fanfictions, galore Writer's Notes Between the Lines Reviews of a Dark Echidna My Favorite Places

The Artwork of a Dark Echidna

Here is where you, the visitor, will and can view my pics for all to see, including Deviantart pics that I know wouldn't have made the DA cut. 

DDLC thumbnail episode 6

So since I didn't feel that this was DA worthy but I decided to upload this here and on my Twitter account, I decided to talk through a bit of the process for this thumbnail.  So as far as Doki Doki Literture Club is concerned, this particular episode is where definitely more weird things start to happen within it.  While the weirdness did freak me out, I wanted to capture a moment with some of that weirdness but here's the thing.  All of these weird scenes don't all happen at the same time, in fact they happen at different times.  Then it came to me, since some of that weirdness happens with the same background behind the girls, I thought that maybe I could find some way to utilize gimp as a way to combine them.  Now, while editing the image to go into the thumbnail, I did notice that the background would sightly zoom in a little during each of the scenes but in some way, I figured that I could work some way around it.  Bottom line, I had to put each thumbnail shot on a different layer and slowly using the eraser tool, carefully erase what I didn't need in order to piece together this whole scene.  While there may be one or two slight flaws in the picture, the overall presentation surprised even me and despite that, I'm proud of what I was able to pull off.  Although, if I could be honest, since the screenshots are of a game that is illustrated, that might be why this wasn't nearly impossible to do.  If it was a game that was 3d animated or something...well, that would be so much harder.  Regardless, I'm still pretty proud of myself anyway so there you go.  

Doki Doki Literture Club property of Team Salvato , Picture property of :iconmisticas-haven:

End of an Era

I just uploaded this on Deviantart but I figured that I could go a little more elaborate on here compared to my Deviantart account.  On DA, I basically feel that due to the fanbase and our demand for more FNAF that this is part of why the series is slowly dying and sadly even to some degree, even the creator is to blame because due to our demand, he had to provide what he could to satisfy us.  Then FNAF world was released and the quite horrid flaws was just more proof that maybe the series was dying in such a sad and horrifying way.  So I chose to draw Foxy who due to his desire to please us is not only bleeding for our entertainment but our demand to see more, it's almost like we're forcing a noose around his neck but sadly either way, there is no good ending for this story.  i guess if I wanted to place blame, it could go to anything...I could blame the fanbase, I could blame Scott Cawthon for maybe trying too much to please instead of keeping the series going on the proper path that maybe it should be following or even people like Markiplier whose let's plays has lead to the fanbase expanding to even younger viewers but regardless, I enjoy FNAF more for what it was and not what it became. 

Drawing by :iconmisticas-haven:  Foxy and FNAF belongs to Scott Cawthon.

Nothing to See

*The following description is identical to it's DA counterpart with one sight change within it and to those who may be offended, all I can say is that if you have ever shared my same experiences, only then you could understand my feelings relating to the main topic at hand, regardless, enjoy*

You run away
You hide away
To the other side of the universe

Where you’re safe from all that hunts you down

But the world has gone
Where you belong
And it feels too late so you’re moving on
Can you find your way back home?
-Within Temptation

So this picture was started around a month ago but it was an on/off little side project but strangely I had finished it on April 2.  Compared to some of my usual dragons, this one is a little different as far as the type of picture.  There's one thing that makes it different from the others but it's clear to see without much explanation.  Then that leads to what inspired this picture or better yet, what led to its creation.  About a month ago I came across a video by Jacksepticeye about getting his first pair of glasses (keep in mind this guy is in his twenties but besides the point).  He goes on about how wonderful and clear and amazing and...yeah, you get it but keep in mind, this kid hasn't been wearing glasses all of his life and I (someone who has) had a completely different opinion from his.  I'm watching his video and only one thought goes through my head...that this guy is clearly a little naïve.  To sum things up, I am someone who has had to wear glasses all of my life, I started wearing them since I was nearly five and for me, it wasn't a glamorous experience but the complete opposite.  When I was in Kinder, things were normal but the first day I went to school wearing all went downhill from there.  I was one of those kids growing up who was bullied for a problem that genetics wise is the fault of my father's side of the family.  The bullying as the years passed seemed to focus on other things from time to time but one thing that it always came back to was my glasses.  Then there was the name calling of dumb things such as geek, nerd, dork, loser and to think these were the tame ones too because there were worse things but honestly I don't feel like going back down memory lane.  I may be an adult now but if there is one thing I hate about myself it's my glasses.  Honestly if I had the money I would do lasik surgery in a heartbeat but since procedures like this cost nearly $3,000 an eye (because you would only want to fix one eye, right) it's way out of my budget right now.  I can only hope that in the future this is a surgery I can get done but until then, I'm pretty much stuck with them.  Is there a lesson with this little story...I guess there's only one I can think of but it's this, to those who if you have to wear them and your experience is positive then consider yourselves damn lucky and to those who have similar stories to mine, know that at least now with the technology we have at least you do have options and be thankful for them because maybe in the end, those options could be the solution to your problems because even when Lasik became the new thing at that time my eye doctor didn't think it was a good idea because it was just that, it was too new and that was close to maybe about fourteen years ago, give or take?  Now, we've gone so far that these procedures with the proper research can pretty much be the cure you need to this problem....and that's all I've got to say, sorry if this turned more into a rant but sometimes it helps to let it out.

Image by :iconmisticas-haven:  lyrics by Within Temptation from the song "Fire and Ice"

Such is Fate

So on my DA description, I had chosen to use a poem to get across my feelings when it came to this whole mess of Youtube drama and honestly it just got ridiculous because by some point it all started to look like a three ring circus.  At the time when I made this picture, mainly five youtubers were within the middle of the mess which included Drama alert, Leafy, KSI, Pewdiepie and the one who had started the whole entire mess Markiplier.  Honestly, I feel the poem for this picture probably can get across what I was trying to say to each of those involved in the mess this all caused but the only one I feel to further explain was the one that started it all. 

I do remember watching the video that Markiplier posted up, while I agreed with some of the things he said (to be fair, I don't think he thought out his video completely through as far as what to say) but it seemed that the one underlying thing he was trying to get across or that I could decipher was this, he was tired of doing let's plays.  Sounds crazy don't it but then again it's not too far outstretched because if there is one thing he always goes on about is that there's so many things he wants to do...and yet his channel is still just one thing which is what got him his money, keeps his income flowing, and it's clear that despite his "so many things" he wants to do, I fail to see him attempt to do much of that on his own channel but instead he does on other channels where the main focus of those channels is on these so called other things he wants to do.  By some point the man starts to sound like a broken record because he reminds you of those whiney kids in high school who say they will show the world and get even then ten years later as adults they are still whining and nothing for them has changed.  It's understandable that he may be just a tad afraid to attempt more on his channel outside the norm because of one main reason, he's known as a let's player and nothing else.  It's similiar to when you have those artists on DA who get big for doing fanart of a certain series or video game and the minute they try to do something original, their viewcount drops because so many of their fans didn't put them on their watch to see that, they watch them for the fanart alone.  It's a gamble that he's clearly too afraid to take because if he makes that bet and loses, he'll lose more than his fans and he knows it.  

So what does he do instead other than his "I have so many things I want to do"...acts like a complete and utter douchebag through social media, yep he puts up a front of vanity to me what seems to be a defense mechanism because let's face it, when your instagram account can rival a teenage girl who logically should have more pictures of herself than you but doesn't...well, Houston, we have a problem.  Still, nothing lasts forever and to me, that might be this man's only saving grace because the reality is this, eventually Markiplier's popularity will die down because in time he will become old news, a passing craze, a fad.  Let's face it, his friend Jacksepticeye will eventually pass him in subscribers and it all can go from there.  Even he says that he knows that Youtube won't last forever and maybe only then will he have the time to do all his things that he wants to do but yet fails to have time for but until then, faking a smile and pretending that nothing is wrong may be the only way he can live his life and maybe only then, he is just like the rest of us who that's all we can do to wake up in the morning and try to make it through the daily grind...oh and one more thing, I really hate that joke he makes about being a "failure" ...yeah, pal, live my life and then we can talk about failure. 

Image and concept by :iconmisticas-haven:

Lady in Black

Or technically a dragon but you get the idea, lol.  This is something I had been working off and on for the past number of days and after finally finishing up, I had a little time to scan it in this morning.  The design of the dress is based off of one I saw on some website based in the UK but I added the little gems and such to it.  Also, originally the little eyeball was going to be like a voodoo doll hanging but I didn't like it so I changed it. 

Drawing and concept by :iconmisticas-haven:

Skeletal Demon

So let's get this out of the way, I will admit that I am not a fan of Undertale.  I've never understood the appeal of the game and to be fair in some regards I never will.  I will admit that I avoided the fandom and the game for the longest time due to how toxic the community was in a whole.  I think when it comes down to it, I mainly like Miss Muffet and that's mostly because her design has that mad tea party vibe to it.  Despite that, I will admit that if there was one thing I would be willing to attempt in the game it would be to fight Sans so over two weeks ago, I went ahead and bought the game...I played Genocide, I got to Sans and when they say that you will have a bad time...well, it's no joke.  I tried for days but never could beat him and honestly got tired after so long.  If there's one thing that trying to play through genocide did it was turn me off to the game even more.  Than there's the subject of Sans's what irritates me.  He seems to be self aware that you can choose to reset or keep going until you beat him and the thought of that makes him really not care but yet your actions cause him to have to get involved anyway?!   How does that really make sense?!  How does he know that you just won't reset right after beating him (which was my plan due to the steam version being harder to wipe clean after a genocide run) but yet he can't take chances with you even though he doesn't seem to show interest in the fight to began with?  Even his dialogue shows that he doesn't care because once you die so many times, do you know what he tells you?  "Let's just get to the point."  Try fighting him and reading that after every time you die, it will wear on your mind, that's for sure.  Don't get me wrong, I've gone through gaming hell (try playing Sonic '06 all the way through) but this is really up there with my list of "never again" things to not do.  Maybe some day I'll consider trying my hand at beating him again but not right now...still after all the trouble that damn skeleton put me through, I just had to get it out somehow so this picture is dedicated to you Sans, my skeletal demon. 

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox, drawing by :iconmisticas-haven:


Don't Forget, No copy

Seriously people, if you need to make fanart than make your own by not copying mine.  All pics are drawings drawn by Mistica and are subject to copyright here on Mistica's Haven.